dealing with other people's stress
With people worrying about their jobs, their savings, even their homes, you have quite a task as a new manager to keep your staff calm and focussed on the work in hand. You may even have your own stress to manage as well.
For some people a certain amount of stress or anxiety keeps them active and energetic, but for most of us it makes us less effective. What can you do?
Firstly, look after your own state of mind. Do the obvious things - sleep enough, eat the right food, take some exercise. Do the less obvious things too - watch your breathing, making it deep and refreshing, breathing out the anxiety and breathing in a sense of calm: watch your body language the way you sit and stand, staying firm yet relaxed: and watch your voice, talk pleasantly and clearly. Like the old saying "fake it till you make it," acting calm can help you to feel calm.
Even this can have a good effect on your staff - they'll feel more secure with you. As well as that, be ready to listen to worries without getting caught up in them. It's unlikely that you'll have solutions, but if you help people to sort out their fears and their options they have a better chance of finding some possibilities for themselves.
At 8:23 am ,
Unknown said...
Good information shared here. Good info for the people suffering because of stress. When I was suffered a lot because of stress my friend advised me to try hypnosis to reduce and control stress which I found from Thoughts Become Reality - Stress Management. They conducting various stress management workshops.
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